How to Prepare for Divorce: The Do's and Don'ts for a Peaceful Divorce

Clients often ask what they can do to prepare for the divorce if they have some advance warning that the divorce is coming. Either they're planning to file or they think divorce might be inevitable.

How to Prepare for Divorce

  • Change all of your passwords. I recommend changing passwords for your bank accounts and retirement accounts as well as your email and social media accounts.

  • Collect financial documents you can access. I recommend making copies of five years of tax returns, at least 6 months of pay stubs for both spouses. If possible, also make copies of bank statements, mortgage statements, title documents for your real estate, insurance policies, utility bills, and all other important financial documents.

Things to Avoid While Preparing for Divorce

  • Do not try to run up your bills.

  • Do not go on crazy spending sprees

  • Do not try to divert money from joint accounts.

You can get in serious trouble for doing any of these things.  If you are concerned that your spouse will loot your joint account, or you need funds to pay your attorney fees or move out of the family residence, meet with a family law attorney and discuss this with them first.  

Do not pay off marital debt before filing for divorce. This can have unintended negative consequences down the road, depending on your circumstances. Again, if you and your spouse decide that you agree to pay them off, talk to your family law attorney first.  

If you are making regular contributions to your retirement account, don't change or stop these contributions. This can negatively affect the calculation of child support.  

If you’re in the Seattle, Washington area and would like to speak to an attorney, give us a call or send us an email.